Title: New Years In Isolation Author: miss_auto1621 Characters: Britain, Belgium Challenge: Holiday Winter Challenge-Theme #25: Holiday Rating: K+ Summary: During war, they could only have a few moments to be alone. EngBel. A/N: For problemchildwithgoodattitude
Title: Fitting Room Author: miss_auto1621 Characters: Britain, Belgium Challenge: Holiday Winter Challenge-Theme #3: Shop Rating: K+ Summary: Britain and Belgium go out shopping. EngBel. A/N: I come up with the corniest things when I go to the mall…
Title: Entrance Author: miss_auto1621 Characters: Britain, Belgium, America, France, Russia, China, Netherlands Challenge: Holiday Winter Challenge-Theme #18: Flashy Rating: T Summary: He realized a little too late what her fate was. He just hoped he got to her on time. EngBel. A/N: For problemchildwithgoodattitude
Title: Time Square Author: miss_auto1621 Characters: Britain, Belgium Challenge: Holiday Winter Challenge-Theme #31: New Year’s Eve Rating: K+ Summary: They spent the 31st in New York City. EngBel. A/N: For problemchildwithgoodattitude
Title: Feeling Better Author: miss_auto1621 Characters: Britain, Belgium Challenge: Holiday Winter Challenge-Theme #8: Rejoice Rating: K+ Summary: He didn’t like to see her sad. EngBel. A/N: For pale-jonquil He always thought she was a bubbly country,
Title: It Came Down to This Author: miss_auto1621 Characters: America, Canada, Britain, Belgium Challenge: Holiday Winter Challenge-Theme #21: Mistletoe Rating: K Summary: The kids knew what a mistletoe was! EngBel. A/N: For Yeye. Britain’s little brothers were adorable.